
Fusion in Tisch Alumni Magazine!

There is no better way to culminate the 2010 Fusion Film Festival than with our final round of press!

Fusion was recently featured in the Spring 2010 issue of the Tisch Alumni Magazine as part of a feature about Women in Film at NYU. The article featured Festival Co-Directors, Elizabeth Bohinc and Kate Zabinsky, as well as Susan Seidelman and Andrea Wachner, who are NYU alumnae who served on panels at the 2010 festival.

Fusion was also featured in the New York Post's April 14th, 2010 article on the same subject. The Women in Film article served as the cover for the special section on education in the NYP.

Congratulations on a great 2010 festival, and thanks to all those who were part of the Fusion Film Festival Team! We look forward to seeing you in 2011!